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Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) - Post-Baccalaureate

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2019-2020 Informational Performance Profile

The Teacher Preparation Quality Rating System is designed to provide aspiring educators with information regarding the quality of teacher preparation providers, as well as to provide teacher preparation providers with meaningful information for improvement. Each provider receives a performance profile that includes information regarding the quality of the preparation experience, the extent to which they are meeting Louisiana's workforce needs, and the impact of their program completers on student learning. Performance profiles from previous years can be found here.


BESE approved a waiver for non-public release of the 2020-2021 Performance Profiles due to the availability of value-added data during COVID-19.

Overall Quality Rating and Score

The overall quality rating and score is comprised of three domains: Preparation Program Experience, Meeting Educator Workforce Needs,and Teacher Quality. The overall score and domain scores are each on a four point scale, according to the following ranges Level 1: Ineffective - less than 1.5, Level 2: Needs Improvement - between 1.5 and 2.4, Level 3: Effective - between 2.5 and 3.4, Level 4: Highly Effective - greater than or equal to 3.5

Quality Rating

Level 3: Effective
Louisiana Post-Baccalaureate Pathways: Level 3: Effective

What does this mean?

The quality rating represents the overall performance of a program based on the quality score.

How was this calculated?

The quality rating corresponds to the score range detailed above.

Quality Score

2.5 out of 4.0
Louisiana Post-Baccalaureate Pathways: 2.5 out of 4.0

What does this mean?

The quality score is the overall score generated by combining the three domains.

How was this calculated?

The quality score is calculated by combining the following three domains: Preparation Program Experience weighted at 50%, Meeting Educator Workforce Needs weighted at 25%, Teacher Quality weighted at 25% (if a Teacher Quality score is unable to be generated, then Meeting Educator Workforce Needs is weighted at 50%).

Domain Ratings and Scores

Preparation Program Experience

Level 2: Needs Improvement (2.0 out of 4.0)

Domain Weighted at 50%

Meeting Workforce Needs

Level 3: Effective (3.0 out of 4.0)

Domain Weighted at 50%

Teacher Quality

N/A (N/A out of 4.0)

Domain Weighted at 0%

Preparation Program Experience*

This domain measures the quality of the teacher preparation program via a dynamic on-site review. The on-site review measures quality across four areas: recruitment and selection, content knowledge and teaching methods, feedback and candidate performance, and continuous improvement process. The on-site review framework can be found here.

*Some on-site reviews were modified due to the onset of COVID-19. Programs with modified on-site reviews are noted in the On-Site Review Conducted During section.

Domain Rating and Score

Level 2: Needs Improvement (2.0 out of 4.0)
Louisiana Post-Baccalaureate Pathways: Level 2: Needs Improvement (2.3 out of 4.0)

What does this mean?

This domain rating represents the quality of the teacher preparation program experience based on an on-site review.

How was this calculated?

The four on-site review subdomain scores are averaged to generate the Preparation Program Experience score.

On-Site Review Conducted During:

Spring 2019

Programs Reviewed:

Elementary (Grades 1-5), English (6-12), Science (6-12), Social Studies (6-12), and Health and Physical Education (K-12)

Quality of Recruitment and Selection

2.0 out of 4.0

What does this mean?

This on-site review subdomain addresses the teacher preparation provider’s responsibility to recruit and select candidates who show potential for the teaching profession and the current regional educational context.

How was this calculated?

This subdomain is calculated during the on-site review process using the on-site review framework.

Quality of Content Knowledge and Teaching Methods

1.0 out of 4.0

What does this mean?

This on-site review subdomain focuses on how effectively the program ensures teacher candidates acquire content knowledge and the key teaching methods and skills needed to grow students by one academic year or meet Individualized Education Program goals.

How was this calculated?

This subdomain is calculated during the on-site review process using the on-site review framework.

Quality of Feedback and Candidate Performance

2.0 out of 4.0

What does this mean?

This on-site review subdomain focuses on how effectively the program provides feedback to candidates within their residency placements. It also assesses how well program supervisors use observation and feedback data to inform individual goal tracking and interventions for candidates.

How was this calculated?

This subdomain is calculated during the on-site review process using the on-site review framework.

Quality of Continuous Improvement Process

1.0 out of 4.0

What does this mean?

This on-site review subdomain examines how the program collects and utilizes data, and works with school system partners, to continually improve the quality of the teacher preparation program.

How was this calculated?

This subdomain is calculated during the on-site review process using the on-site review framework.

Meeting Educator Workforce Needs

This domain measures the extent to which the program is meeting Louisiana’s educator workforce needs by placing teacher candidates in high-need schools or preparing candidates in high-need certification areas. More informational detailing how this domain is scored can be found in the technical guide.

Domain Rating and Score

Level 3: Effective (3.0 out of 4.0)
Louisiana Post-Baccalaureate Pathways: Level 3: Effective (2.5 out of 4.0)

What does this mean?

This domain rating represents the extent to which the program is meeting Louisiana's educator workforce needs. The cohorts of program completers used to calculate this domain include 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020.

How was this calculated?

The domain score is calculated by comparing the need for teachers in high-need certification areas and high-need schools with the extent to which each program is meeting these needs.

Percentage of Program Completers in High-Need Certification Areas

  • Below Need

  • Meets Need

  • Exceeds Need

  • Exceptional

What does this mean?

This graph displays the percentage of program completers in high-need certification areas compared to the overall need for teachers in high-need certification areas.

How was this calculated?

High-need certification areas are determined every four years, and are the areas with the highest percentage of classes being taught by out-of-field or uncertified teachers. For the period from 2017-2018 through 2020-2021, high-need certification areas for the state of Louisiana are middle and secondary mathematics, middle and secondary science, and special education. District-based providers define high-need certification areas at the local level.

Percentage of Residents in High-Need Schools

  • Below Need

  • Meets Need

  • Exceeds Need

  • Exceptional

What does this mean?

This graph displays the percentage of teacher candidates completing residencies in high-need schools compared to the overall need for teachers in high-need schools.

How was this calculated?

High-need schools are determined every four years and are defined as schools with a high percentage of minority or economically disadvantaged students and schools that are less geographically proximate to teacher preparation providers or schools underserved by current teacher preparation providers. For the period from 2017-2018 through 2020-2021, high-need schools for the state of Louisiana can be found here. District-based providers define high-need certification areas at the local level.

Teacher Quality*

This domain measures the effectiveness of teachers prepared by this program, based upon the value-added results of program completers during their first year of employment. Value-added results are limited to grades and subjects with state-administered assessments. Twenty-five percent of public school teachers in Louisiana received value-added results for the 2018-2019 school year. More information detailing how this domain is scored can be found in the technical guide.

*Due to the suspension of standardized testing in the 2019-2020 school year due to COVID-19, value-added data is not available for 2018-2019 program completers. Please refer to the value-added frequently asked questions document for more information detailing the next value-added release.

Domain Rating and Score

N/A (N/A out of 4.0)
Louisiana Post-Baccalaureate Pathways: Level 3: Effective (3.0 out of 4.0)

What does this mean?

This domain rating represents the effectiveness of teachers prepared by this program during their first year of employment. The cohorts of program completers used to calculate this domain include 2016-2017 and 2017-2018.

How was this calculated?

Value-added results are calculated in an index on a 100 point scale. The domain rating corresponds to the index scores found in the technical guide.

Percentage of Program Completers with Value-Added Data (VAM)

  • Louisiana Post-Baccalaureate Pathways

What does this mean?

This graph displays the percentage of program completers who received a value-added score during their first year of employment.

How was this calculated?

Value-added data is calculated for teachers in the following content areas and grades: Grades 4-8 ELA, Grades 4-8 Math, Grades 4-8 Science, Grades 4-8 Social Studies, Algebra I, Geometry, English I, and English II

Value-Added Effectiveness Levels of Program Completers

  • Louisiana Post-Baccalaureate Pathways

What does this mean?

This graph displays the percentage of program completers who received each value-added effectiveness level (Ineffective, Effective: Emerging, Effective: Proficient, and Highly Effective). This graph is limited to program completers who received a value-added score during their first year of employment.

How was this calculated?

The value-added model provides teachers and leaders with information about the extent to which students met, exceeded, or fell short of their expected performance on state tests. Teachers are assigned one of the following effectiveness ratings based on their student's performance: Ineffective, Effective: Emerging, Effective: Proficient, and Highly Effective

Domain Rating and Score Excluding Out-of-Field Teachers

N/A (N/A out of 4.0)
Louisiana Post-Baccalaureate Pathways: Level 3: Effective (3.0 out of 4.0)

What does this mean?

The Teacher Quality rating is based upon all program completers with value-added data. This score represents the Teacher Quality domain score if program completers teaching outside of the certification area in which they were prepared were excluded. This score is informational only and is not used in the quality rating calculation.

How was this calculated?

Value-added results are calculated in an index on a 100 point scale. The domain rating corresponds to the index scores found in the technical guide.